Deathline, Dublin Castle, Sun 4 Feb

Deathline - live at Dublin Castle 4th Feb 2007
Jennie Deadlight stars on a flyer

Come along. Bring a friend. Print this flyer for a whole quid off the door!

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The Operation

The Operation: 4
The robot girl awakes!

So was tending my Japanese Garden in the Second Life region of Albion when I was surprised to find a young man bringing a beautiful robot girl to life on my wooden deck.

The Operation: 1
I stumble upon the operation

The operation was a complex one. It took a long time and involved many false starts and moments of frustration. We drunk a lot of coffee. There was pacing. And balling of fists skyward in frustration.

The Operation: 2
The procedure takes time
The Operation: 3
At last, she lives

But in the end she lived.

I watched them disappear into the velvet dusk of Second Life's endless summer and wondered what it would be like if one day, I woke up to find that someone had recreated me in the image of their ideal girl.

By degrees, I fell asleep.

When I woke I was back in the real world. The memory of this strange evening will always remain with me.

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Six Inch Killaz - who are they?

Luis has sent me a bunch of photos of Six Inch Killaz, altered in his inimitable style, that I've not seen before, and it gives me an opportunity to reintroduce the band I was part of and whose story I'm writing.

Holly Cock - vocals

Holly, photographed 1994 by Luis

Jasmine Salomé - vocals

Jasmine, photographed 1994 by Luis

Luis Hatred - bass guitar

Luis and his sneer
Luis, photographed by Pearl, 1997

Mona Compleine - guitar, monatron

mona - wayout - 1997
Mona, photographed by Luis, 1997

Miss K - guitar, vocals

missk @ Jackie - March 1997
Miss K, photographed by Luis, 1997

» More Six Inch Killaz photos
» The Six Inch Killaz story

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How weird

Jennie just rang and told me a friend of ours is in Celebrity Big Brother this year. I still won't watch it though. Well, maybe a bit.

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