Dangerous days

↑ "dangerous days" - self portrait, March 20 2010, additional processing July 2010

Rachael was special

Gaff had been there, and let her live. Four years, he figured. He was wrong. Tyrell had told me Rachael was special. No termination date. I didn't know how long we had together... Who does?

↑ "what?" - self portrait, March 20 2010, additional processing July 2010

Love / trust

Deckard: Do you love me?
Rachael: I love you.
Deckard: Do you trust me?
Rachael: I trust you.

↑ self portraits, March 20 2010, additional processing July 2010

I can't rely on my memories

Deckard: Say "Kiss me".
Rachael: I can't... rely on... my memories...
Deckard: Say "Kiss me".
Rachael: Kiss me.
Deckard: I want you
Rachael: I want you.
Deckard: Again
Rachael: I want you.
Rachael: Put your hands on me.

↑ "Punk Rock Hotel / Fal Motel" - self portraits, March 20 2010, additional processing July 2010

The business

I'm not in the business... I am the business...

↑ Self portrait, March 20 2010, additional processing July 2010

You chickened and ran

Deckard: Remember when you were six? You and your brother snuck into an empty building through a basement window. You were going to play doctor. He showed you his, but when it got to be your turn you chickened and ran; you remember that? You ever tell anybody that? Your mother, Tyrell, anybody? Remember the spider that lived outside your window? Orange body, green legs. Watched her build a web all summer, then one day there's a big egg in it. The egg hatched...
Rachael: The egg hatched...
Deckard: Yeah...
Rachael: ...and a hundred baby spiders came out... and they ate her.

↑ self portraits, March 20 2010, additional processing July 2010

She doesn't know

Tyrell: I'm impressed. How many questions does it usually take to spot them?
Deckard: I don't get it, Tyrell.
Tyrell: How many questions?
Deckard: Twenty, thirty, cross-referenced.
Tyrell: It took more than a hundred for Rachael, didn't it?
Deckard: She doesn't know.
Tyrell: She's beginning to suspect, I think...

↑ self portrait, March 20 2010, additional processing July 2010
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