Quick change

↑ probably the best pic from yesterday, taken while packing up, wig off, hair up

Whenever I'm feeling a little down, one of my favourite distractions is to play around with makeup on my face. I was feeling unusually sullen yesterday so I did lots of different looks. Here's the ones that made it into documented record.

Natural's not in it

↑ self-portrait, July 24 2010

Hmm, I don't think I'm really that good at doing "natural"...

At home he's a tourist

↑ self-portrait, July 24 2010

..unnatural, on the other hand? I'm your man!


↑ self-portrait, July 24 2010

Some sort of rockabilly dreamin'?

I love a man in a uniform

↑ self-portrait, July 24 2010

It's been a very very long time since I last wore this femme fatale wig, or indeed a wig of any description.

Now I remember how uncomfortable they are...

This has gone in the bin along with all the others. The days of wigs are over.


↑ self-portrait, July 24 2010

And as for this wig, it's positively ancient!

I didn't know I even had it until today when I was chucking old clothes away. I decided to give it one last go though it smelt very musty. It's now in a bin bag waiting collection.

I was meant to be working, but doing these makeovers really cheered me up. Now I have to do the work today. Damn.

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